Game Disclaimer

Golden Rule Prior to Adult Play (ages 18+)

Due to graphic and potentially inflammatory nature of adult play joke categories, potential player sensitivities must be discussed and considered prior to play. Prior to start of game, Humor City participants should agree on joke categories tabled for play to avoid subject matter potentially offensive to some. Remember: Sticks and stones will break my bones but names will never hurt me.

There Are No New Jokes, Just New Audiences

The jokes distributed free and/or sold for use with Humor City do not reflect the views, values and/or beliefs of the makers of this game. We don’t invent these jokes, we simply collect and publish the best of the best (which are often the worst of the worst).

This being said, if you feel any particular category is somewhat underrepresented, you are invited to submit punchline jokes for consideration in future volumes using the form below (there are 50 jokes per volume).

Please Read

As definitions of sense of humor vary widely, participants play at their own risk and release Humor City from any liability stemming from verbal or physical conflicts resulting from inappropriate choice of subject matter by participants prior to, during, or after play.

Special Consideration for Minors

Due to mature content of some joke categories, adult supervision is recommended for joke category selection prior to and during play by minors.

Send Us Your Jokes

When one studies the history and evolution of punchline humour, certain patterns and realities become obvious. Why for example, are there a disproportionately larger number of black jokes than white jokes? Think about it. Even in relatively recent times, whenever African Americans made cracker jokes (jokes about whites) they were beaten, lynched or hung (sometimes all three). Humor City represents an opportunity to get even.

It can take hundreds of jokes to create a new volume of 50 great jokes. If you feel your category is underrepresented, please help in the creation of new volumes by submitting your best punchline jokes below.

Remember, there are no new jokes, just new audiences (or a new spin on an old jokes). All joke submissions become the property of Humor City.

Fill out my online form.
Online contact and registration forms from Wufoo.